Hi, I’m

Dr. Shara


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The Mobile Momma Method helps you have ​a pain free pregnancy, postpartum, & ​breastfeeding experience

(without expensive therapies)

I’m a certified prenatal chiropractor, NASM ​certified personal trainer, and mom of two.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve seen THOUSANDS of ​pregnant patients in my office.

I wanted to help moms like you have a pain-​free pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding ​experience without expensive therapies.

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So, The Mobile Momma Method was born!

For just $197, you’ll get:


Exercises and ergonomics for each ​trimester, including postpartum and ​breastfeeding

Light Blub

Tips for managing hip, low back, ​sciatic, and pubic bone pain